Ye.Li committed 9ae77e208d6
MLK-10542 video: Support multiple lines version string display The caculation of left space for version string is not correct, should use VIDEO_COLS not VIDEO_LINE_LEN / 2, otherwise we will get larger space than actual have and cause string to overlay logo picture. Also current version string display only supports two lines words at max. This also causes overlay when the LCD pixel colume size is not enough. Signed-off-by: Ye.Li <> (cherry picked from commit ed53487d36a886fb4557088804a4b5232b168889) (cherry picked from commit 253936bb920c5bb8e7d26e0425d155fb2576ab77) (cherry picked from commit a12ec4c29b4cbdf03ae68a5ecb739253f79b59fc)